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What is Keepa ?

Keepa is a great price tracking tool for Amazon. Keepa gives you information on historic price trends for products as well as sales rankings for them. It exists in the form of a Chrome Extension and can be embedded in your browser. It’s available for Mozilla, Chrome, Opera and even Internet Explorer.


Keepa Main Features Reviews

3 total free features to help you gather any pricing information on the following Amazon marketplaces: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, China, India and Australia. Price tracking is available in the 10 different local currencies and for  800 million products (and growing). By the way, all data is exportable, so you can grab it and play with it.

keepa amazon

Keepa Deals

There are many deals on Amazon run on a daily basis. The Deals feature of keepa shows you all the deals that are currently available on Amazon. These deals run up to hundreds of thousands each day. If you could keep monitoring these, you can land the best deals and save money.

The feature the number of deals available in the various categories. Of course, Amazon items are grouped into categories. Items that are related are placed in the same category. Items that are different are placed in different categories. You can browse for the deals on a per category basis. If you are looking for a deal in the Apps & Games category, you can browse through and land to them. First, you will see the number of deals that are available in that category. Once you click the Apps & Games category, you will be able to browse through all of them.

On the left side of the Deals feature, the keepa tool shows the type of deals that you can get on Amazon. You can choose whether it's a New, Used, Sales Rank, Collectible, Refurbished or any other type of deal.

The Deals feature gives you the ability to view the available deals in either Table or Product Boxes format. The Product Boxes provides an easy way of viewing the available deals. Only the slight details of the deals are shown. However, if you want to know more about the deals, you can view them in the Table format. In this format, you will be able to see how the prices of the items have been fluctuating over different periods of time.

The current price of the item is shown and how it's price has dropped over the past 1 day, 7 days, 30 days and 90 days. There is also a section for sales rank which shows the rank of the item on Amazon.

keepa extension

Keepa Track

The source to find your tracked products overview, your wishlists and most recent notifications

how to use keepa

Keepa Data

The place to find the most interesting tools on Keepa.

  • Product finder: search on the tool’s database and find your product to add it to you watch list
  • Product viewer: import your product lists
  • Best seller lists: the best selling products on Amazon grouped by category
  • Top seller list: Amazon’s top selling merchants
  • Category tree: browse Amazon’s products by category using a useful category tree
  • Keepa’s API. This is the only monthly payment tool. The Api will allow you to request live pricing and availability, price history, sales rank, offers count, Buy Box information, review count history…

what is keepa

Keepa Pricing and Discount with Promo, Coupon code

To unlock advanced features of Keepa, there are two different payment plan options:

  • €15 per month (which will convert to under £14)
  • €149/year (converting to under £129)

That’s very little considering how essential the tool is. However, that’s a big difference to £0. I can tell it will make new sellers think twice about whether they want to jump into this business, as it’s just another expense – another barrier to entry.

To sellers making significant profit each month, it’s unlikely to phase them at all. It’s a minor expense. They’re likely to be paying for other software too, so this is just another to add onto that list. It’s probably going to be the cheapest one that they use for their Amazon business after all.

keepa review


There are many items being sold on Amazon. Some of the items are similar, while others can be used as substitutes for others. If you are a regular shopper on Amazon, you are always confronted with several options anytime you need to make a purchase on the platform. In many cases, it is a challenge to make a decision on the kind of item that you will purchase. Little do you know that many are the times you miss out on the best deals on the platform. If you could know or find a way of landing on the best deals on Amazon, you can save money and use it to shop more. A way of tracking the price of the various Amazon items is important. If you are interested in purchasing a particular item, you should be able to track it and be notified when its price is at its lowest. You can purchase the item at that point and save some money.

As an Amazon seller, you need to know the performance of an item before you can commit yourself into selling it. This means having a look at the historical price fluctuations of an item is important. This will tell you whether the item is worth selling or not. At the end of it, you don't need to sell an item that fluctuates widely in terms of price. A huge swing in the item's price can leave you having made a devastating amount of loss. Knowing the historical price movement of an item will tell you the range of price that you should set for an item that you need to sell on Amazon.

The keepa chrome extension is a great tool that helps you achieve all the above. It is a great tool for both Amazon buyers and sellers.


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COPENHAGEN, Sеpt 14 (Reuters) - Denmark'ѕ central bank raised іtѕ <br>

key interеst rate Ƅy 0.25 pecentage ρoints to <br>

3.60% оn Thurѕday, folowing a raste hike <br>

еarlier in thе ɗay Ƅy tһe European Central Bank.<br>



"The interest rate increase is a consequence of the increase by the European Central Bank of its main monetary policy rate, the deposit facility rate, by 0.25 percentage point," tһe Danish central bank ѕaid <br>

in a statement.<br>


<b>"Thereby, the monetary policy spread vis-à-vis the euro area will emain unchanged," it ѕaid.</b><br>


The primary mandate oof tһe Danish central bank <br>

іs to kеep the crown currency stable versus tһe euro, an objective it upholds through <br>

currency interventions and intеrest rate moves.<br>


Thhe moѵe was Denmark's 10tһ rate hike since Ꭻuly laѕt үear, <br>

closely tracking tһe ECB and other central banks ɑcross tһe globe <br>

that aree tightening monetary policy tto combat inflation.<br>


Denmark'ѕ benchmark current account іnterest ratee ɑnd the certificate <br>

᧐f deposit rate ѡere eacһ raised by 0.25 percentage <br>

points to 3.60% frߋm 3.35%. Tһe so-called <br>

lendinhg ratte was raised bʏ 0.25 percentage points to <br>

3.75% from 3.50%. (Reporting byy Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen;Editing ƅy Susan Fenton)<br>


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